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sakal solutions llc.

training solutions
Within the information technology sector, there is an overwhelming need for more trained, knowledgeable, and talented individuals. Along with this fact, I have heard from countless individuals to include seasoned professionals who have expressed how they wished they had studied or chose a STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) career.
After speaking with many such people, to include those with college degrees working in various non-STEM related fields; Sakal-Solutions developed a strategic solution via a transformational path to facilitate individuals at all levels in their career to skillfully transition to the information technology (IT) field of employment.
Therefore, Sakal-Solutions, LLC will be teaching specific courses in IT training designed for professionals wanting to transition into the IT career field. Our strategic approach, and hence, strategy, is designed around your existing professional experience, but buttressed and integrated with the critical fundamental and foundational IT knowledge required to begin your transition into the IT employment sector. Furthermore, upon successful completion, individuals will earn industry recognized certifications!
While there are countless information technology courses established to teach specific fields of technology, after much researching, it appeared such training programs did not adequately provide a well-designed technology foundation with broad understanding of the technology scope required of a foundational infrastructure. Consequently, the Sakal-Solutions, LLC IT Training Program is designed to facilitate career-long technical learning required for career promotability and future technological excellence and success.
training courses
More information to come.
More information to come.
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